Entry of Hours, Days and Leave -
Adding and removing days and whole weeks
Payroll Pro is very flexible, especially in the pay entry section. The way you enter hours, days, and leave can be customised through options available in Payroll Pro. Furthermore, this can be set up differently for each individual employee! The buttons referred to below are found just under the day-by-day entry grid. Options available include:
Show each day for the pay period - Allows entering the hours worked on each individual day. The hours are automatically filled in for employees who work regular hours, so having each day showing does not mean more data entry for regular employees. The advantage of day by day entry is that leave taken can be automatically recorded for the actual day on which it was taken, relevant daily pay can be easily calculated, and other calculations including the number of days worked on can be made automatically.
To Show or Hide days, click “Days/Weeks to Show...”, and select “Hide Days” or “Show Days”.
Hide days and enter all hours for the pay period into one line - The option to add additional lines is available for situations including splitting pay between departments and entering leave. The disadvantage of hiding the days is that where an employee does not work the same number of days each week you will need to manually enter the number of days the pay is for to help with “relevant daily pay” calculations based on 4 week averages.
To Show or Hide days, click “Days/Weeks to Show...”, and select “Hide Days” or “Show Days”
Split days - In either of the above cases, days can be split into two or more lines to allow complex pay structures where required, including departmental analysis and multiple hourly rates.
To split a day: first click on the line to select it, then either press ALT+A on your keyboard or click “Add new line”.
Save complex pay structures - A complex pay structure can be saved as the usual pay and automatically loaded for each pay period. This might be useful where the employees pay is regularly split between 2 or more departments, and/or where more than one hourly rate is regularly used during the pay period. Note however that this is not necessary in the majority of cases where no department splitting is required and the employee is paid the same hourly rate each day, since the regular hours per day and hourly rate will be used to automatically fill in each day.
To save a pay structure as the usual pay, click “Usual Pay...” then select “Save as Usual Pay”
Enter days after end of period for holiday pay - In cases where holiday pay for days falling after the pay period end date needs to be paid with the current pay, additional weeks can be shown in the day-by-day grid. An example might be paying for 3 weeks holidays at Christmas time, and including this in the pay just before the holiday is taken.
To add extra weeks for Holiday Pay, click “Days/Weeks to Show...”, and select “Add/Remove extra weeks”
More information about this can be found under "Paying Holiday Pay".