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Mixing Pay Frequencies


When entering the current “Pay Period End Date” and “Payment Date”, you will probably have noticed the “Pay Frequency” option above the dates.  This allows you to choose which employees the dates are referring to, and in cases where you have more than one pay frequency type such as some weekly and some fortnightly employees, ensures that only the selected type will be included in the current pay run.

You can use the “All Frequencies” option if you have more than one frequency type which you wish to pay in the current pay run. For example, you may be paying weekly and fortnightly employees on the same day and selecting “All Frequencies” will allow both weekly and fortnightly employees to be included in the same pay run.

However if you have a mix of weekly and monthly (or fortnightly and monthly) employees then we suggest that you select the actual frequency, rather than using the “All Frequencies” option.  This allows Payroll Pro to determine which employees (weekly or monthly) the dates are referring to, which in turn helps with rolling over Holiday Pay and Sick Leave.

This is particularly useful when a monthly pay period end date might fall before the very last weekly pay period processed.  You will notice in this case that using the “All Frequencies” option means warnings regarding taking the date backwards will appear, where selecting the actual frequency means Payroll Pro is able to determine that the difference in dates is due to the different pay frequencies being paid.