Employer Monthly Schedule - IR348
and Employer Deductions - IR345
Based on Payment Date not Period End Date.
The IRD requires that the payment date is the one used for IRD returns - IR348 and IR345.
Here is an example of the Pay Period End Date and Payment Date for 5 pay runs, and the Monthly Schedule they are to be included in:
Pay Period End Date | Payment Date | Month for IR348 and IR345 |
Fri 1 June 2012 | Mon 4 June 2012 | June 2012 |
Fri 8 June 2012 | Mon 11 June 2012 | June 2012 |
Fri 15 June 2012 | Mon 18 June 2012 | June 2012 |
Fri 22 June 2012 | Mon 25 June 2012 | June 2012 |
Fri 29 June 2012 | Mon 2 July 2012 | July 2012 |
Note that you could use the same date for both the Period End Date and Payment Date in Payroll Pro if this would make things easier for you.
Some examples of when you might use the same date are:
(1) Where employees are actually physically paid on the last day of the pay period - so the dates are the same anyway.
(2) Where you want to make your records less complicated by using only one date. In the above example this means you would still be physically paying the employees on Monday 2 July but telling Payroll Pro you are physically paying them on Friday 29 June. If using the Electronic Banking option you can override the date there to any date you require for banking purposes.
Here is more information about how Payroll Pro handles each date:
Pay Period End Date
This is the last day of the Pay Period.
For example, for employees paid weekly, your week might cover Saturday, Sunday, Monday, up to Friday. In this case the Pay Period End Date would be the Friday of each week when paying your weekly employees.
The Pay Period End Date is used for the following:
> when entering days worked, the days up to and including this date are listed on the timesheet entry form (under Enter Current Pay).
> will be shown on the payslips as Period End
> to determine the End of Previous Pay Periods for the purposes of calculating average rates over the last 4 weeks and 52 weeks where required by the Holidays Act 2003.
> to determine the date for rolling over Holiday Pay and Sick Leave, based on employees anniversary dates.
Payment Date
The main date for each pay history entry will be based on this date.
The Pay Date is used for determining the following:
the Month for the Monthly Schedule (IR348)
> the Month or Half Month for the Employer Deductions (IR345)
> The Financial Year, and therefore the year to use for Year To Date totals in records and on employees payslips, so this matches with the IRD month totals.
> Electronic Banking default payment date (and default transmission date where applicable). However note that the dates in the electronic banking section can be overridden to your required date, so if you used the same date for the payment date and period end date (when the payment date wasnt really the same date), you can override the payment date in the banking section.