IR345 Totals dont match IR348 Totals
The IR348 is the "Employer Monthly Schedule", which lists each employee and their totals for the whole month. This is sent to the IRD once per month for both large and small employers.
The IR345 is the "Employer Deductions" form, which shows the amount to pay to the IRD. This is paid once per month for small employers, and twice per month for large employers.
You select the option "Small Employer" or "Large Employer":
If you select Large Employer, then the IR345 is for half a month only - either to the 15th of the month or the end of the month.
If you are a small employer and accidentally choose "Large Employer" then this could be a reason for the totals not being equal.
If this is the case and you are a small employer, go to the IR345 report and select "Small Employer", then print the report to the screen to lock in the setting, and also to verify the amounts are now as you expect them to be.
Also ensure you have selected the correct period end date (for both the IR345 and IR348).
Other Reasons for totals not being equal
If you find the above does not solve the problem, then it is possible you have made some manual adjustments to totals in the employees and/or department pay histories. For example, if you have manually altered the PAYE for an employee and not manually altered the PAYE for the same amount under the department totals, then you will find the IR345 does not match the IR348.
To verify this, select "Utilities" from the main menu of Payroll Pro, and choose "Check Balances". This should show you if the employee totals do not balance with the department totals.