A warning message of any other kind occurs
Other warning messages in Payroll Pro will usually have instructions attached to them which will tell you what action to take.
If no instructions are present, then in many cases simply pressing the ESC (Escape Key on your keyboard) two or three times will solve the problem, as this will clear the latest information you have entered.
Then exit Payroll Pro, restart your computer and restart Payroll Pro again.
If this does not work, please select the troubleshooting option from the main menu of Payroll Pro. This will show just to the right of the Pay Period Date information, but can also be found by clicking "HELP" then "Troubleshooting".
This will run the troubleshooting module which contains a number of options.
Security Settings on Your Computer
We have found in many cases that security settings on a computer can block a program from working.
By this we mean settings that are not set or changed by Payroll Pro.
If Payroll Pro has been working fine and suddenly will not run, check that no security settings have been changed on your computer. You may need to get your IT person to check this for you.
Some problems that may occur up if a security setting is blocking Payroll Pro include
- Message - error initialising Borland database engine (but this can also be caused by copying Payroll Pro from another computer
instead of installing, or by deleting some of the payroll files through "My Computer") - Trying to update online or from a CDROM may fail
- You get a message saying you are running under a trial licence each time you start the payroll, even though you successfully entered your licence key previously.
- You get an error message when trying to run the reports.