Employer Monthly Schedule - IR348
The Employer Monthly Schedule - IR348 - can be filed electronically. From 1st April 2018 no software printed schecdules will be accepted by IRD. However smaller employees who currently post a form to IRD may be allowed to continue filing on the IRD form and posting to IRD.
Electronic File Option
You might find screenshot examples more helpful - please click the following link to see screen shots: IRD Schedule - IR348 Monthly Schedule
For electronic filing you will create a file from Payroll Pro, and this will be saved in the location you select.
To create the electronic file:
- Select "Reports" from the main menu of Payroll Pro
- Select "Employer Monthly Schedule" (The top button in the middle column)
- Ensure the period end is the end of the month you require.
- Dont confuse the "period end" here (which is the Month Ending) with your Pay Period End Date in the payroll. The IRD requires the total for the month to be based on the "Payment Date" from the payroll and not the "Period End Date". Click here for more information about this.
- Enter the file details to choose where the file will be saved. The file name will default to a format of MSyymmdd.csv, which is the date of the month ending for the period being filed. For example for month ending 30 April 2012, the file name is MS120430.CSV.
- Click the button "Electronic EMS (IR348/349) File".
- This will now save the file in the location you selected.
- Make sure you print the report. This contains the information contained in the file and the location of the file.
You should also use the "Employer Deductions" option to create the electronic deduction file which contains the IR345 totals (the amount to pay the IRD). Print the report from this option also, since this contains the ESCT total, and the ESCT does not get included in the IR348 totals.
The report printed from the IR348 section shows the location of the file. Payroll Pro will also copy the file name and location into your computer's clipboard. This means that when you go to the IRD's website to upload the file, you can use their "Choose File" button and then paste the file details into the file location box instead of typing the details or searching. You wont be able to use this paste option if you copy or cut some other text or information in between. If you have any problems on the IRD's website please contact them directly. They may ask you where the file is located - you will be able to provide this information from the printed report obtained from Payroll Pro when you created the file.
In summary, the procedure on the IRDs website is:
- Go to their website, and login.
- You will see a menu headed "Services", and you will click on "myIR (Employer monthly schedule)" (or it might still say ir-File - that's ok)
- You will probably end up at the "Workspace" at which point you should see a menu on the left.
- One of the options will be "File Transfer" so click this.
- You will see a "Choose File" button. (This might sometimes show as "Browse...").
- Click "Choose File" and locate the file. You may be able to use "CTRL + V" (paste) from your keyboard to paste the location and name of the file into the "file name" box. Check that this is correct - eg a file name something like MSyymmdd.CSV. For example MS120430.CSV for April 2012.
- Then click "Open".
- You should now be able to click "Import and Send". If you prefer to click "Import and Check" then you will need to go back to the "WorkSpace" afterwards and choose the file from there - usually by ticking the box beside it, and clicking "Send".
Important Note - the next step is the IR345.
If you are a small employer filing once per month, you may have an option to "Create IR345" automatically given to you immediately after sending the IR348 Monthly Schedule. This will fill in the IR345 totals, but IT WILL NOT FILL IN THE ESCT TOTAL. So ensure you enter the ESCT total manually from the IR345 report printed above.
Alternatively you can upload the IR345 file which is created from Payroll Pro in the IR345 section. The file name will usually be in the format DFyymmdd.CSV. Eg for end of April 2012, DF120430.CSV.
Please contact IRD directly for any queries on the use of their website.
For some screenshots of the process click this link: IRD Schedule - IR348 Monthly Schedule
see also
Message - "The File MSyymmdd.CSV Already Exists"
Multiple Companies (so you need to create more than one file each month)
Date for IR348 (and IR345) based on Payment Date not Pay Period End Date