Screen shots - myIR (IR348 and IR345)
Step 12:
After sending the IR348 Employer Monthly Schedule, the IR345 needs to be sent.
Note that this area relates to the IRD's website - please contact IRD if you have any problems with this part.
If you are a Small Employer (filing once per month) you might be given the option to "Create EDF/IR345" immediately after sending the IR348.
If you see the option to "Create EDF/IR345" on the IRDs site and you click on it, it will fill in the IR345 totals from the IR348.
HOWEVER, the IR348 does not contain any ESCT totals (this is correct and as per IRD specifiations). Therefore, you will need to type the ESCT total into the ESCT box. You can get this from the IR345 report printed from Payroll Pro. You may also have to click the "Total amounts above" button after entering the ESCT. The next step shows a screen shot for this.
The other options are to import the IR345 file you created from Payroll Pro, or enter all the IR345 totals into the IRDs online form if this is available. You can decide which is quicker or easier for you - entering the ESCT amount from the report, or importing another file, or filling out an online form.
If you are a large employer filing the IR345 twice per month, then you may have to always import the IR345 file, or manually enter all the IR345 information, so may not get the "Create EDF/IR345" button.
Importing the IR345 File:
If you want to import the IR345 file you created in Payroll Pro, the same general procedure applies to that described in the previous pages for the IR348 file, except you will not be able to use the CTRL+V paste option to paste the location and name into the search box as you did with the IR348. Remember the IR345 file will usually be in the format DFyymmdd.CSV (ie it will start with DF instead of MS), unless you have renamed it.
Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Step-7 Step-8 Step-9 Step-10 Step-11 Step-12 Step-13