Screen shots - IRD Filing (IR348 and IR345)
The following pages demonstrate how to create the files required by IRD for the Employer Monthly Schedule (IR348) and the Employer Deductions (IR345), and file online using myIR on the IRD's website.
The first few pages explain how to create the file in Payroll Pro - which is very easy!
The remaining pages - step 8 onwards - explain how to upload these files using the IRD's website. This is also easy if you follow these instructions, and you probably will not even need to refer to these instructions after filing online a couple of times. If you are familiar with the first part - creating a file in Payroll Pro - you can jump directly to step 8 by clicking here.
Note regarding payday filing: If payday filing goes ahead, it will be voluntary from April 2018 and required from April 2019. This will replace the employer monthly schedule from April 2019. We will add payday filing to FiveStar Payroll Pro well before April 2019, but will wait until it has been passed through legilsation and the process fully tested. More information can be found here: - Payday filing
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