Warning Messages
(You can use CTRL+F to search for a word or phrase on this page)
Click on the message below for instructions.
If you have received an error message while running Payroll Pro, or there is something Payroll Pro will not let you do, we suggest you first ensure you have the latest version - 2.64 - by checking the version number in the main menu of Payroll Pro. If you are not up to date please use the "Check for Updates Online" option in Payroll Pro to update. This may solve your problem.
If the message you have received is not in this list, then please click here to try the alphabetical index.
While processing a pay run
'dd/mm/yyyy' is not a valid date
You must enter a valid Allowance Code
You must enter a valid Deduction Code
The department must be left blank for Allowances
The department must be left blank for Deductions
In the Allowances grid, you must enter a valid Department Code or leave blank
In the Deductions grid, you must enter a valid Department Code or leave blank
Banking information relates to the Payment Date xx/xx/xx
A warning message of another kind advises that you have entered incorrect information
When Starting Payroll Pro
A Registration Code has not yet been entered...
A problem seems to have occurred ... one or more files unreadable
Directory is controlled by other .NET file (eg pdoxusrs.lck)
Error Initialising Borland Database Engine (or BDE)
Network Initialisation Failed - Permission Denied
Utilities/Check Balances - totals not balancing
This cannot be changed since some employees have holiday pay in their current pay
CFG.TPS does not contain any records
Error number 33 while backing up or restoring data
Unable to gain control of RAVE Data Communication System
Error Reading Drive A: (or B:) or Please check there is a formatted disk in Drive A: (or B:)
A warning message of any other kind occurs
If the message you have received is not above, then please click here to try the alphabetical index.